We finished our Easter services, and now the kids are looking forward to Songkran, which starts Sunday, April 12. Songkran is Thai New Year, which the Thai celebrate for three days. It is the hottest time of the year, and everyone douses every one they dare, with talcum powder and water. It is a fun time for all the kids. It is a real pain in the butt for old duffers like me, who hobble, shuffle and hide after the first day.
Many of our kids have been re-introduced to relatives and families. Some people thought their children were dead. The parents had AIDS; gave up their children, and then left their homes to avoid ridicule. With the help of computers in Amphurs throughout the northeast, we were able to contact some of them. Some of the kids were deeply saddened to find out their parents had died. One of our girls, Yaht, just found out her father had died, on the day of her graduation from M. 3. Some children also find out that relatives want to have nothing to do with them. These are the kids who are with us all the time. During the school vacation, while other kids go home to relatives, we take them on excursions to the crocodile farm; the fish aquarium in the University, and to water parks, etc. No one wants our babies, but they are only aware of the love and devotion of the house mothers who care for them. Only when they get older will they realize that they were abandoned.
As usual at this time of year, it is ungodly hot. No humidity; just hot. Vegetables in the garden wither; grass for the cows is hard to find, and chickens die from the heat. Then, we April storms come, there are huge wind storms and lots of damage; not to count the times the power goes off for days and entire nights.
We are beginning to turn the corner of the farm. We have young bulls for sale at 30,000 baht each. They are Brahmin, and fetch a good price. We are raising a lot of pigs, and butcher three of them every two weeks. We also butchered out chickens and will wait until the rains come before buying more.
We re-built an entire dormitory at Viengkhuk’s Mother of Refuge house. We put on a new roof; a new ceiling, plus refurbished the bathrooms and lights, etc. After we repainted, it looks really nice and the kids are happy with new screens on the windows and doors. Now, we are building a wall along the road in front of St. Patrick and Jan & Oscar. We have girls there, and want them safe.
We pray for you daily, and hope you are blessed with good health and happiness. May the Risen Lord bless you each and every day!